Thursday, September 27, 2012

Business Management of Inventory or Stock | Hakeshet Business ...

Business management of inventory or stockInventory control is one aspect of the administration in the micro and small business is rarely addressed.
The businessman hardly finds time to perform all the functions that it has been assigned: purchasing, sales, production, personnel management, money management, banking, legal, accounting and administrative.

Occupies more time on operational issues or tactics in a strategic work.

This often happens because should focus on make money and put out fires now. Simply stock or inventory control does not produce immediate benefits.

In an SME not normally have reliable records, an official, policies or systems that help is easy but tedious task.
In every business is vital inventory control, since its decontrol lends ant not only theft, but also scrap and waste, which can cause a major impact on profitability.

As for the lack of records (not only inventory, but any operation) heard the following comments:
? Records are complicated and only accountants understand them.
? You need a computer program expensive and complicated to understand.
? I need a warehouse or store manager for record keeping and good day.
? I have no time to count my inventory.

Indeed, many of these comments are true, that?s why I want to explain how to resolve these objections.

The goal of having inventory records do not simply because big companies do, or because the counter asks, or because we need to build our balance sheet. The main objective is to have sufficient and useful information: minimize production costs and increase liquidity.

For that we must maintain optimum inventory level and start using the technology, simplifies stock control with a concomitant decrease in operating expenses.

Computer programs are excellent, however, which are well structured, does not guarantee that they will meet our needs for information, if you do not feed them with real and constant.
In the case of micro recommend using one of the simplest tools but more powerful than today?s technology has given us: the spreadsheet.

The problem regarding the quantification of inventories can be as large or as small as our product range.
Not necessarily an extensive product range means big problems, which itself complicates the operation of our business is a large range of products in the raw material, ie, if we sell pizzas, but also sell sushi, cakes, pastries, ice cream, Chicken and international food, then we are faced with excessive diversification that requires us to have an inventory too high.

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