Tuesday, August 28, 2012

College Students See Skyrocketing Costs for Health Insurance ...

Thanks to Obamacare, college students are seeing the cost of health insurance policies skyrocket. It?s no wonder when you look at the chart above. President Obama is trying his best to capitalize off of the youth vote this time around, so this is news he probably doesn?t want getting out there.

Guilford College has been forced to raise their student premiums?76 percent, yet this administrator still insists on calling it the Affordable Care Act.

Seems a bit ironic, to say the least.

Guilford joins a long list of colleges raising their premiums. Virtually all current student insurance plans do not meet ObamaCare?s mandates, and?Forbesreportscolleges have been forced to drop their plans or?raise their premiums rates as much as 1,112%?(and no, that?s not a typo).

Most students like their current healthcare, but they can?t keep it.

In the email to Guilford students (available in full here), the VP of Finance lays out exactly why they were forced to hike costs:

?As a result, all collegiate student health plans with an effective date of July 1, 2012 or after must provide a minimum benefit of at least $100,000 per policy year, have no limits on benefits deemed essential by the Act, and provide a preventative care benefit with no deductible, co-pays or co-insurance.? In compliance with these mandates, (emphasis added) the following changes have been made to the College?s student health insurance policy.

?For the 2012-13 academic year, the annual cost of the student health insurance is increasing from $668 to $1,179.?

Read the whole thing, this isn?t just happening at Guilford College. Some colleges are dropping coverage altogether.

Tags: colleges, health plans, obama, obamacare, skyrocket

Source: http://lonelyconservative.com/2012/08/college-students-see-skyrocketing-costs-for-health-insurance-thanks-to-obamacare/

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