Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mobile app can identify political TV ads, tell you who paid for them

Much like music identification apps that can listen to a song and tell you what it's called and who it's by, a new piece of mobile software called Ad Hawk (download for iPhone and Android) can let you know who is really behind a particular political ad on TV. What's more, it drills down into the leanings and financials of the group.

The app requires about 30 seconds to identify an ad, so in most cases that'll mean using your DVR to rewind ? unless you're really quick. Once it has figured out the ad, it'll tell you what group paid for it, then you're able to view details on them including how much money they have, how much they've spent so far this election, what percentage of their ads have been positive of negative, and which political party their ads support.

Ad Hawk is free and was created by the Sunlight Foundation, a non-profit organization, and is expected to be updated on a daily basis as new ads hit the airwaves. It uses location services to help the foundation build a map of where certain ads are running across the country, but you're able to disable this feature if you're worried about it intruding on your privacy.

[via VentureBeat]

This article was written by Randy Nelson and originally appeared on Tecca

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