Gun Rights Policies with John Snyder
Arlington, VA -???For the Second Amendment community, there really is no contest in making a choice between Romney and Obama in the presidential election,? gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today.
?The Romney-Ryan ticket is far superior to the Obama-Biden ticket on right to keep and bear arms issues as well as on other matters of great concern to millions of American voters,? he explains in this video.
Snyder notes some voters who oppose the Obama administration have expressed some dismay that Mitt Romney is not conservative enough or similar enough to their thinking on some issues.
?However,? says Snyder, ?it?s important to approach a voting decision with a mature adult attitude. On issues regarding the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms, economic stability and prosperity, religious freedom and respect for the rights of conscience, and the honor of God Himself, there really is no doubt as to which alternative is the preferable one.
?Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are far superior to Barack Obama and Joe Biden on these and other matters. It?s time to rock and roll with Romney and Ryan.?
The presidential election is Tuesday, November 6. 2012.
GunRightsPolicies.orgJohn M. Snyder
Telum Associates, LLC
Arlington, VA
About John Snyder:
Named the Gun Dean by Human Events, ?the senior rights activist in Washington? by Shotgun News, a ?champion of the right to self-defense? by The Washington Times, and ?dean of gun lobbyists? by The Washington Post and The New York Times, John M. Snyder has spent 45 years as a proponent of the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms as a National Rifle Association editor, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, treasurer of the Second Amendment Foundation, and founder of
A former Jesuit seminarian, Snyder is founder/manager of Telum Associates, LL.C., founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., a director of Council for America, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens. He is also the author of the book Gun Saint. Visit:
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