Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekend Horoscopes From Astrologer Susan Miller ? CBS New York

Astrologer Susan Miller, author of The Year Ahead, 2012 And Beyond, visited The Couch to offer horoscopes for the weekend. Here?s what she had to say.

This coming weekend, August 11-12, will be divinely relaxed and perfect for travel ? for everyone.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will conjoin the moon, making it a remarkably happy time for everyone to travel short distances ? to the beach or mountains ? or to work on improving a writing project.

More: The 7 Best Weekend Getaways In The Tri-State Area

Ideas will be superb and your ease for self-expression will flow so well that you may feel like you want to keep on going! Finish that report or manuscript! You?ll be proud!

A new moon is like a door that opens wide that allows you to take advantage of opportunities that have not been present before or that you had no time to take advantage of previously. You will always have two weeks AFTER a new moon appears to plant seeds of change. Options will arise that are new and exciting! The actions you take in the two weeks that follows can affect you for a year or more into the future, until the next new moon has time to come by, in this case at the end of July 2013.

See Also: Mercury Retrograde: What The Astrological Glitch Means For You With Astrologer Susan Miller

Aries ? This new moon, August 17 is all about enjoying LOVE! If single circulate l in the two weeks! Married? You and your partner can have more fun. Plans for your children can take shape, and a creative project can take flight. Want to have a baby?get serious now!

Taurus ? You can make enormous strides in regard to YOUR RESIDENCE or other living space. You can find the perfect place to move house, or start to fix up your present space with renovations, decoration, painting, repairing, de-cluttering and so forth. Also if you are concerned over the welfare of a parent, you can find options you like to help your beloved relative.

Gemini ? This new moon can help you hone your writing skills. Most Gemini excel in communication, and now you may get a new assignment to help you showcase those talents. Travel is likely in coming weeks, and those trips will make you very happy!

Cancer ? Your earning power is high! Ask for your raise in the days following August 17.Don?t be shy?this is your best time in 2012 to do so for you are likely to get your request approved. If self-employed, look for a new client, as you can reel in a top, prestigious one.

Leo - Think of this new moon as your annual birthday gift certificate to use toward achieving a goal dear to your heart, in any area of your life you choose. Leo is a sign that rules creativity, design, and all the arts, so those matters, as well as matters involving children, glitter.

Virgo - In the second half of August, after the new moon, take time to rest. You will move into a very important career phase, but you need to be strong and healthy when things start to pop in September. Rest up, and review your list of goals. If you have outgrown some desires, make new goals and delete a few old ones. Prioritize!

Libra ? This new moon will be deliciously social for you. Friend will begin to be in touch by sending invitations, and you may have at least one big event to get ready for this week that will occur after August 17. At events you will make Think about redoing your Facebook or Twitter page, or start to get involved with social media. If you belong to a club, get active. You may make an important new friend this month.

Scorpio ? The new moon August 17 will be your best in 2012 to find a new top level career position. It is critical that you are ready to roll once it appears, so start dusting off your resume and bio, and redo your portfolio if you are creative. Start calling friends, get tips on new openings that others may not know about. Scan job listings too. Don?t be on vacation!

Sagittarius ? A wonderful time to travel far and wide. Get out those frequent flier miles. Are you thinking of going back to graduate school? The new moon August 17 and the days that follow is the time to send in your application to take your main exams, or to interview / begin to apply to grad school. Do you have to defend your thesis? You could not wish for a better time to schedule that big meeting.

Capricorn ? Its time to review your finances. Meet with your financial broker and review your investment portfolio. Also, review all recurring payments, like health insurance, and cable/ cell phone/ Internet provider plans to be sure you have the right one. Call your credit card companies to see if you qualify for a better interest rate Look into getting a better rate for your mortgage too.

Aquarius ? It?s a great time to get engaged, or to seal a deal with a business associate for a partnership. Sign papers if you like! One-on-one collaborations are magic. Also, you can hire a professional, such as a new doctor, lawyer or accountant now, with results that please you.

Pisces ? New assignments will be coming like mad! It?s also time to get on the fitness wagon and get fit and sleek. This is the best new moon of the year for improving health, overall conditioning and looks.


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