Friday, October 5, 2012

Join the conversation: Candidates launch into domestic issues

  • Dylan Stableford, Y! News9:28 PM ET

    Walter, alternatively, the most effective 25 minutes of Jenga for the Romney campaign.

  • Walter Shapiro9:26 PM ET

    What a great question -- that will get them off their talking points.

  • AG9:26 PM ET

    I'm shocked! Romney is CRUSHING Obama.

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:26 PM ET

    Romney's "not the status quo" riff was very strong...and I think Walter is right.

  • JC9:26 PM ET

    A plan which is revenue neutral, doesnt change the load on the middle or upper class, will also be economically neutral. There would be absolutely no point in doing this unless there was a change in the burden for someone somewhere.

  • Walter Shapiro9:26 PM ET

    This may be the worst 25 minutes of the campaign for Obama.

  • ErikMonroe9:25 PM ET

    I feel that Mr. President is rambling....

  • M9:25 PM ET

    I'm pro Obama. Will wait to see how he progresses, but yes, we're watching the same debate.

  • Joseph G9:25 PM ET

    fighting over the final word, this might get entertaining

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:25 PM ET

    Romney also has to watch out for the "fighting the moderator" thing.

  • Walter Shapiro9:25 PM ET

    This is Romney's worst moment -- the class bully getting the last word.

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:24 PM ET

    This reminds me a little bit of the first Bush-Kerry debate. Not that stark a difference between the two men, but in that debate, Bush showed up irritated, and Kerry won big -- and closed the gap in the polls (though he never took the lead).

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:24 PM ET

    Romney has to have an answer for this. This is a stump speech line, they knew it was coming. Let's see...

  • Walter Shapiro9:24 PM ET

    This is why Obama is so fuzzy. He mentions 2001 and 2003 without every saying the words George W. Bush.

  • Matt k.9:24 PM ET subject PLEASE

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:24 PM ET

    Bill Clinton. Drink.

  • Justin9:24 PM ET

    Obama: Change the topic!!! Change the topic!!!

  • Virginia Heffernan9:24 PM ET

    I thought Obama seemed courteous with that. LIke someone acknowledging the waiter.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:23 PM ET

    And this, too, is from the stump speech.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:23 PM ET

    Greenfield is right.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:23 PM ET

    Good OK Obama facing us?I like it. The "well to do"!

  • Walter Shapiro9:23 PM ET

    Obama's "Jim you could move on to another topic" sounds like a white flag to me.

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:23 PM ET

    Romney is instructing Obama on how the economy works, and Obama seems unable to wrench the narrative away from him.

  • Chris Wilson, Yahoo News9:22 PM ET

    I sit down and calculate how much I pay in taxes too. Every April.

  • Adam9:22 PM ET

    Jim Lehrer is winning

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:22 PM ET

    We keep losing the audio in the media workspace.

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:22 PM ET

    Romney uses "successful" as a metaphor for "wealthy." It is the businessman's vision of money as a scoreboard.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:22 PM ET

    Njeri, I worry that Mitt Romney says "middle-income" he means something like a median income, where the scale is tilted to the rich and superrich. IN other words, middle-income are richer than what we imagine as middle-class.

  • Bill Linley9:22 PM ET

    Donald Trump IS a JOKE

  • Stokes9:22 PM ET

    Are you guys watching the same debate. I think Obama is being very effective without being intimidating. Its like he said. Numbers don't lie.

  • M9:21 PM ET

    I agree, Obama hasn't settled in comfortably yet. Hope he does soon

  • J C9:21 PM ET

    I wish they had a third podium for Dave Chapelle

  • Walter Shapiro9:20 PM ET

    Obama in a nutshell tonight -- he is unable to come up with a Donald Trump joke.

  • Nathan9:20 PM ET

    Can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama looks intimidated.

  • Flash9:20 PM ET

    Really Obama, Bringing up Donald Trump?

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:20 PM ET

    Donald Trump will now respond on twitter.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:20 PM ET

    Matt k: TOTALLY AGREE. He's not "showing up."

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:20 PM ET

    Now Obama said "the reason is because, too." Grammar pedants need to look to Gary Johnson.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:19 PM ET

    Seriously, is Obama in pain -- back pain, a cold, a nicotine jones? He's out of it.

  • Walter Shapiro9:19 PM ET

    Jeff -- I agree. I wonder how many networks are doing split screen.

  • kilo9:19 PM ET

    Bill to the rescue!!

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:19 PM ET

    Bill Clinton reference. Drink.

  • Matt k.9:19 PM ET

    Is Obama going to show up for the debate.

  • Njeri9:19 PM ET

    I like middle-income more than middle class. I'm middle-class but low income.

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:19 PM ET

    Math, arithmetic -- he is definitely trying to borrow from Bill Clinton's convention rhetoric.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:19 PM ET

    Romney's winning. I'm just gonna say it.

  • Chris Wilson, Yahoo News9:19 PM ET

    Obama did not seem ready for or desiring of this opportunity to respond

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:19 PM ET

    The two-shots work for Romney, I think...

  • Virginia Heffernan9:19 PM ET

    "His big bold idea is nevermind." I like that.

  • Kirsti9:18 PM ET

    I'd like to see who'd win in a staring contest.

  • Bob9:18 PM ET

    I'm already falling asleep.

  • Lee9:18 PM ET

    Go Mitt. He is making sure that his message is not being misconstrued.

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:18 PM ET

    "The reason is because" -- I hear English teachers groaning across America.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:17 PM ET


  • Jeff9:17 PM ET

    I don't think the moderator will be able to control this diatribe.

  • Walter Shapiro9:17 PM ET

    Second cloying moment of the debate -- Romney and his five boys.

  • Liz Goodwin, Y! News9:17 PM ET

    FIrst zinger of the night!

  • Walter Shapiro9:17 PM ET

    It would help if Romney were allowed to debate with a PowerPoint.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:17 PM ET

    Ha. Nice, Walter.

  • Kim Olson9:17 PM ET

    If Oliver Knox is correct Obama may be in trouble

  • Kirsti9:17 PM ET

    And the interrupting begins!

  • Virginia Heffernan9:17 PM ET

    And, Holly, will Romney keep saying "middle-income" instead of "middle-class"?

  • Walter Shapiro9:16 PM ET

    Maybe if Obama had a few more press conference he wouldn't seem so fuzzy.

  • Daniel Silva, San Diego, CA9:16 PM ET

    Great Debate. Both Candidates are holding their own. Let's go America!

  • Holly Bailey, Y! News9:16 PM ET

    Will be fascinating to see how many times the phrase "middle class" is mentioned in this debate

  • Gonzo9:16 PM ET

    Look out Obama's changing topics.

  • Chris Wilson, Yahoo News9:16 PM ET

    I'm glad we get a warning when the important points are coming

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:15 PM ET

    Political pros tell you that you can lose a debate anytime, but winning it is the work of the first 30 minutes or so.

  • Walter Shapiro9:15 PM ET

    Problem for Obama -- that computer for their kids is probably made in China.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:15 PM ET

    "I like coal." That "I like" locution is such an investor tick. "I like Google this quarter." "I like retail."

  • Rev. Greg Runyon9:15 PM ET

    Romney is mentioning everything he can hit in 2 minutes; how much of it can he deliver. Obama needs to hit him back strong...Here comes the instructive former college professor

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:15 PM ET

    If you want to see TV footage of the Washington Post's Dan Balz, tune in to any TV network in the world -- they're all parading in front of him.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:14 PM ET

    ...sorry. Reminiscing. These guys speak too well.

  • B. Pierce9:14 PM ET

    Obama is not looking at Romney.

  • Walter Shapiro9:14 PM ET

    The Romney people keep hoping that coal will be his secret to a big margin in eastern Ohio. Color me dubious.

  • Chris9:14 PM ET

    As a debater, I have to say attacking with mixed criticism is the most effective way to win people over.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:14 PM ET

    Remember when it was harrowing and exciting to watch GWB make his eccentric and different-learning-style way through the facts and the English language?

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:14 PM ET

    "North America energy independent." Including Canada and Mexico, big oil producers. Interesting. Holly, is that stump-y?

  • Walter Shapiro9:13 PM ET


  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:13 PM ET

    "I like coal."

  • Nathan9:13 PM ET

    This might be the most civil debate I've ever seen.

  • Walter Shapiro9:13 PM ET

    :"Energy is critical." That's fascinating rhetoric.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:13 PM ET

    Romney is criticizing, not attacking. His folks know he has to be careful about his tone.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:13 PM ET

    Jay: that's a great first reporting task for you! Or just ask Dylan Stableford.

  • Dylan Stableford, Y! News9:12 PM ET

    Jay: 90 minutes.

  • Jay9:12 PM ET

    How long is this debate ? I have to write a paper about this for my college...

  • Lito9:12 PM ET

    "Gasoline prices have doubled under the President"., they haven't.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:12 PM ET

    Are middle-income families middle-class families? I think there might be a mean/median fudge in that locution.

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:12 PM ET

    Romney is taking it to Obama on middle-class woes...effective, I think.

  • Steven S9:12 PM ET

    How many stats do you think they memorize?

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:12 PM ET

    "The economy tax." That's not going to go viral.

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:11 PM ET

    Holly: What are the odds that he is writing down talking points that are totally unrelated to what is being said, just trying to get his key points down on paper? (They're not allowed to bring notes, right?)

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:11 PM ET

    The Obama campaign repeatedly said that he needed to keep his answers short and punchy.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:11 PM ET

    He's trying to go Clintonian with the numbers.

  • Walter Shapiro9:10 PM ET

    Is it me -- but i'm already zoning out on the Obama answer.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:10 PM ET

    (That I know of!!)

  • Guest9:10 PM ET

    I though this was supposed to be job specific.

  • Holly Bailey, Y! News9:10 PM ET

    One thing I wish debates had: A lectern camera. What is Romney furiously writing?

  • Virginia Heffernan9:10 PM ET

    (Just kidding! The president does not take benzos!)

  • Foggy Sly9:10 PM ET

    Mr. Obama is settling down, and in.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:10 PM ET

    This is the president answering the question he wish he'd been asked.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:10 PM ET

    Whew, Klonipin does kick in. You just gotta have faith.

  • Jordan9:10 PM ET

    Here, let me respond to your simple question by talking about something else!

  • Walter Shapiro9:09 PM ET

    "Ideas from both Democrats and Republicans." Remember most undecided voters are weak partisans.

  • Not Ronald9:09 PM ET

    Romney obviously has watched lots of Reagan videos

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:09 PM ET


  • Virginia Heffernan9:09 PM ET

    Which one of us is watching Twitter, btw? #olivieryouupforit?

  • Chris9:09 PM ET

    Is the President's nervousness evidence of his stated inability to practice in advance?

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:09 PM ET

    This, too, is from the Obama stump speech.

  • Walt Breakfast Jr.9:09 PM ET

    Was that Reagan?

  • Virginia Heffernan9:08 PM ET

    VITALITY is a great word.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:08 PM ET

    My favorite thing about covering debates: The roving camera teams filming us as we type. It's riveting television. #grouch. #hashtagsoutsideoftwitter

  • Jeff9:08 PM ET

    He sounds like Reagan. On purpose?

  • Virginia Heffernan9:08 PM ET

    That's Ann's big plug for him. But don't the Americans want a solemn ass, as Cal Coolidge put it? Maybe Romney's too funny to be president.

  • Marlo9:08 PM ET

    I hope for once you are right, Chris

  • Holly Bailey, Y! News9:08 PM ET

    Romney's answer is also a version of his stump speech: The five-point plan to restore the economy and a story about a random American he's met on the trail

  • Marty9:08 PM ET

    Obama does seem nervous...

  • Walter Shapiro9:07 PM ET

    The Romney "five points" answer is from his stump speech.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:07 PM ET

    I have a weakness for "a woman came up to me, and said" stories

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:07 PM ET

    I'm an admitted "mirther." I think that Romney is legitimately, consistently, intentionally funny.

  • Grace Ames9:07 PM ET

    I am afraid of Obama's overconfidence too

  • Chris Wilson, Yahoo News9:07 PM ET

    Game over -- Romney wins

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:07 PM ET

    Romney congratulates Obamas on their anniversary. ?I?m sure this is the most romantic place you could imagine, here with me.?

  • Virginia Heffernan9:07 PM ET

    Romney handled the anniversary well.

  • Walter Shapiro9:07 PM ET

    Point to Romney for the "most romantic pllace you can imagine -- here with me."

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!9:06 PM ET

    Yes, Virginia. If you want my totally uninformed handicapping of this debate, I think Obama comes in overconfident and underprepared, and Romney wins. But we'll see!

  • Virginia Heffernan9:06 PM ET

    "economic patriotism" ??is that from the stump?

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:06 PM ET

    Cheryl: Didn't say I didn't like it, would have been weird if he hadn't. Just...inevitable.

  • fiddlefaddle9:06 PM ET

    Will the pundits be arguing about who won the handshake tomorrow?

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:06 PM ET

    This is basically adapted from his stump speech. Note that Obama talks about "where we're going" on the economy. (Ryan addressed this at the GOP convention, saying Obama should be judged not on the economy he inherited, not the economy he envisions, but the economy we are living in).

  • Walter Shapiro9:06 PM ET

    Virginia -- I agree. I can hear a catch in his throat.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:05 PM ET

    Seems uncharacteristically NERVOUS.

  • Walter Shapiro9:05 PM ET

    Auto industry "roaring back." More than 800,000 auto related jobs in crucial Ohio.

  • Cheryl Miller9:05 PM ET

    I like it Olivier

  • Virginia Heffernan9:05 PM ET


  • Walter Shapiro9:05 PM ET

    The first cloying shout out of the evening on Obama anniversary.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:05 PM ET

    No cutaway to Michelle.

  • Olivier Knox, Y! News9:04 PM ET

    Inevitable happy anniversary from Barack Obama to Michelle Obama.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:04 PM ET

    When it comes right down to it, all these men look so much ALIKE.

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:04 PM ET

    OK--red tie for MItt, blue for Barack. Just like the maps.

  • Dylan Stableford, Y! News9:04 PM ET

    Hey there. Dylan here. I'll be moderating comments. Let's keep it clean, above the belt and have a nice debate!

  • Virginia Heffernan9:03 PM ET

    From Wikipedia: "Lehrer is a bus enthusiast." I wish moderators would ask about the topics that really interest them.

  • Jeff Greenfield, Y! News9:03 PM ET

    You're right, BB...but most campaigns would fear that.

  • BB in San Diego9:03 PM ET

    They should let the candidates ask each other some questions.

  • Didier9:02 PM ET

    The President should be under more pressure. Governor Romney is so far behind, what's he got to lose?

  • Walter Shapiro9:02 PM ET

    I'm always thrilled that at times of great national crisis we are giving the candidates two minutes to answer questions. Wow. That might be 250 words.

  • Walter Shapiro9:02 PM ET

    I'm actually going into this debate with almost no expectations. About the only thing that I am convinced of is that both Obama and Romney will treat spontaneity like Kryptonite.

  • Chris Wilson, Yahoo News9:02 PM ET

    here we gooooooo

  • Virginia Heffernan9:01 PM ET

    Thanks, Cheryl! ? OK so I ran into U.S. senator Bob Kerrey, onetime candidate for U.S. president, who is here with friends in NY and on his way back to Nebraska. Kerrey is running for his old seat in the Nebraska senate. He lives in Nebraska and is facing Deb Fischer. He has spent the last few weeks in several debates with her.

    I asked him what questions he had for the candidates, going into the debates:

    Bob Kerrey: "Can Romney make a compelling case that his experience gives him the capacity to know how to generate more economic growth, jobs and wealth? Can he make the case that wealth is a good and not a bad thing? Can Obama make a compelling case that his response to the economic trauma was the correct one and that his vision for our future will grow our economy while making our society more fair?"

    Sounds exactly right, I must say. Thank you, Senator. Safe travels home.

  • Guest9:01 PM ET

    yes we're listening Virgina! So i am

  • David Jolly9:00 PM ET

    me too

  • Kawoni_moon9:00 PM ET

    I am...

  • Kathleen9:00 PM ET


  • Joshua9:00 PM ET


  • Cheryl Miller9:00 PM ET

    I am.

  • Virginia Heffernan9:00 PM ET

    I have the opposite of a cabbie story. A Bob Kerrey story. Anyone listening?

  • Virginia Heffernan9:00 PM ET

    Hey yo. Virginia Heffernan here. I write the Machine Politics column for Yahoo News, and man do I love liveblogging and debates. And the two together!

  • Walter Shapiro8:59 PM ET

    Chris Wilson -- I just picked 1952 as the high point of the Checker Cab great NY cabbie era.

  • Mark8:59 PM ET

    That's funny Walt. Maybe in future debates there could be a "wild card" debater, it would keep things lively...

  • Chris Suellentrop, Yahoo!8:59 PM ET

    I wonder if Gingrich has reviewed Lehrer's novels on Amazon, where he is a prolific reviewer...

  • Source:

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