Monday, October 8, 2012

Switching Publishers - Workflow: Writing

  • Writers and Publishing Success

    1303 readersResponsibility for the content and success or failure of a book rests with the author and publisher. Any changes made should be based on what authors and publishers feel will enhance the opportunities for sales success. However changes should never happen without the author?s knowledge of and approval for those changes. Certainly being under contract makes

  • Beyond Writing

    4822 readersThere are two parts to becoming a successful author; the first is writing and editing to the point where you are ready to be published and the second is publishing, marketing and selling books. The first would not exist without the second. In today?s highly competitive marketplace it is extremely important for authors to get

  • What is Real Author Success and Can You Find It?

    8228 readers Guest post by Deborah Riley-Magnus Author success can mean different things to each author. Some are thrilled to have penned 50,000 words in a limited amount of time. Many imagine that signing with a literary agent or publisher is author success. And still others feel that holding a book emblazoned with their name is author

  • How to Tell If Your Sales Rock? or Don?t

    2006 readersIs there an average number of copies a picture book needs to sell before it's considered a success? How about a MG or YA novel? Or can a book's success be more accurately judged by whether it has earned back its advance? Or simply sold out its first printing? Please do

  • A Second Chance, or a Chance to Make the Same Mistake Twice?

    3906 readersSpeaking of republishing books from a couple of posts ago, how often does that happen in your business? For example, I searched for a long time for a "no longer published" children's book, The Green Machine by Polly Cameron, and I always found super expensive copies for sale. It seemed that people were always searching

  • New Era in Book Publishing

    774 readersWhile many book experts like to proclaim the end of the book industry the fact remains that book publishing is not dead and certainly not dying; it is evolving into a much better and more competitive marketplace for quality writers and writing. The problem for many years has been that the biggest companies controlled the

  • Post image for Interview: Sally Collings Talks Book Marketing with TheBookDesigner

    Interview: Sally Collings Talks Book Marketing with TheBookDesigner

    4537 readersInterview: Sally Collings Talks Book Marketing with TheBookDesigner Media and promotion plans help create a virtual tour using blogs, Facebook, Twitter and more

  • What Is This Publishers Marketplace You Speak Of?

    2849 readersI am currently searching the 'net for agents in the children's books (picture book genre). A few terms I've noticed in particular begs to be further defined. When an agent specifies "Picture Books (by an author/illustrator)" or "picture books by author...

  • Steve Coll Lands Deal for Ghost Wars Sequel

    4015 readersAuthor Steve Coll is leaving the New America Foundation later this year to focus on writing the sequel to his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. The president of the public policy institute landed on Amazon?s best books of

  • Bill O?Reilly Lands Two-Book Deal at Henry Holt

    5697 readersBased on the ?meteoric sales? of his latest book, Henry Holt and Company has inked a two-book deal with Fox New anchor Bill O?Reilly. According to the publisher, O?Reilly (pictured, via) has sold 950,000 copies of his most recent book, Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination That Changed America Forever. Here?s more about the deal: ?Holt now

  • Source:

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